Welcome to the Basilique du Sacré-Cœur de Montmartre

Sanctuary of
Eucharistic Adoration
and Divine Mercy

Experience a night of adoration

To prepare Prepare your visit

Enter the Basilica. Just in front of you, on the monumental mosaic that caps the choir, Jesus Christ welcomes you with open arms. Take a stroll through the chapels to admire the mosaics. Light a candle as a sign of prayer for your personal intentions. Come closer and pause for a moment of silence in front of the Host, carried by two angels, who manifests his Real Presence among us. Then climb up to the Dome to enjoy an amazing view on Paris. You will not regret coming all the way up here!

Opening Hours

The visit of the Basilica is free. It is open every day without exception

from 6.30am to 10.30pm

Practical information

A word from the rector

Jesus’ Heart is open to all.

To you who come to visit the Sacré-Cœur of Montmartre. As rector, I am delighted to address you. This place is first and foremost a sanctuary dedicated to the goodness and tenderness of Christ’s heart.

More information

Perpetual Adoration

Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration (day and night) is the vocation of the Basilica. Every evening after its closure, the prayer relay continues within the Basilica, managed by registered individuals for the night of adoration and accommodated at the sanctuary's lodging facilities.

I'm signing up for the night of adoration
Photo de l'ostensoir de la Basilique du Sacré-Cœur

1 229 120 h

of 51 213 nights of non stop adoration
Nuit d'adoration

Offer a mass

You can have a mass celebrated for your family members or friends, or for a deaceased loved one.

Offer a mass

Aucun live en cours. Voir les flux précédents.