Summer Games 2024

At Sacré-Coeur, the Gospel is sport!

The first week of the “Enflammons les cœursHoly Games has just come to an end. For seven days, the Basilica was delighted to welcome six young people from the Bordeaux diocese, accompanied by Father Eloi, in a spirit of togetherness and celebration.

The event was a resounding success, with over 2,000 people (French-, English- and Spanish-speaking) taking part in the three-day event. Each person, in an act of generosity, wrote a message on a paper heart and then received a very special Sacré-Coeur medal. Indeed, the QR Code on the back of the medal enabled them to send a message to a person of their choice, while also inviting them to take a virtual tour of the Basilica.

To everyone’s delight, the atmosphere was very festive and joyful. Our teams distributed over 3,000 New Testaments in French and English, specially produced for the occasion and featuring testimonials from sportsmen and sportswomen inside.

Here’s what one of the participants had to say:

I’d like to thank the person with whom I did the “Enflammons les coeurs” game for the Olympics.

It was a great time despite the rain, and the little New Testament book is great with the testimonies of the athletes. As a rugby player, it’s the best book I’ve ever had: it gives you courage before matches.

Thank you for the wonderful tour and the anecdotes. Now, with the little medal, we have the heart of Jesus with us during the matches. I can’t wait to come back and see Jesus.

Fanny Rugby player at As Rouen Universite Club

Hosting Holy Games 1

Hosting Holy Games 2

The Basilica also played host to a private visit from two foreign political figures: Hungarian President Tamás Sulyok and Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti, as well as a team of twenty police officers from Brazil and South Africa who had come to help out with the Olympic Games.

On Sunday and Friday, as well as throughout the week, a multilingual mass was held, accompanied by a procession in traditional costumes of people from five continents, to give full life to our wish: to welcome you with all our heart!

Invitation to multilingual masses

The Basilica team is fully on board for the Olympic Games, helping visitors discover the Sacré-Coeur!

Find out more about the Holy Games

Interview with Lucile de la Serre
Holy Games” mass – Le Jour du Seigneur (France 2)

Want to get involved? You’re welcome!

Summer Route – Week 2

While the first week of the 2 summer routes has just ended, it’s still possible to sign up for the 2nd week (August 3 to 11, 2024).

Extraordinary Route

Finally, you can still take part in the extraordinary route that will take place during the Paralympic Games (August 28 to September 8, 2024).