
“Dilexit nos” – He loved us

An encyclical
on the human and divine love
of the Heart of Jesus Christ

On June 5, Pope Francis announced the publication of a document on the cult of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, in order to “meditate on the different aspects of the Lord’s love that can illuminate the path of ecclesial renewal” and to “say something meaningful to a world that seems heartless”. This is an important step on the part of the Bishop of Rome, as the 350th anniversary of the first manifestation of the Sacred Heart of Jesus to Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque in 1673 is being celebrated from December 27, 2023 to June 27, 2025.

I am preparing a document that gathers the precious reflections of previous magisterial texts and a long history dating back to the Holy Scriptures, to reintroduce today, to the whole Church, this devotion full of spiritual beauty.

Pope Francis – June 5, 2024

On Thursday, October 24, 2024, Dilexit nos (“He Loved Us”) was published, with the subtitle Encyclical Letter on the Human and Divine Love of the Heart of Jesus Christ.

The encyclical was presented by Mgr Bruno Forte, theologian and Archbishop of Chieti-Vasto in Italy, and Sister Antonella Fraccaro, Executive Director of the Disciples of the Gospel.

The Holy Father has always maintained a deep and sincere relationship with the Sacred Heart of Jesus, recommending that bishops and priests reread Haurietis aquas, the third encyclical dedicated to the Sacred Heart by Pius XII in 1956, after Annum Sacrum by Leon XIII in 1899 and Miserentissimus Redemptor by Pius XI in 1928.

For the fourth time, Dilexit nos reaffirms that the Heart of Christ is central to the Christian faith. Find the full text of the encyclical on the Vatican website.

Father Esclef wished to publish a message on the occasion of the release of Pope Francis’ encyclical Dilexit nos on the human and divine love of the Heart of Jesus Christ: