Summer Games 2024

JO, Montmartre and Sacré-Cœur

Among the highlights of the Olympic Games, one image particularly stood out: that of the bicycle races with the three loops in the Montmartre district, particularly around the majestic Sacré-Coeur, the emblematic symbol of Paris. This unforgettable scene went around the world, capturing the very essence of sporting competition in an exceptional setting. The atmosphere that prevailed that day was nothing short of extraordinary, combining popular fervor with an unrivalled party atmosphere.

The crowds, who turned out en masse to witness this unique event, were united in a true communion of spirit. Despite differences of nationality and sporting rivalries, the spectators demonstrated exemplary fair play, supporting the most talented riders without any sense of partisanship or favoritism. This spirit of unity and mutual respect reminded everyone of the fundamental values of sport: surpassing oneself, fraternity and respect for one’s opponent.

The race around the Sacré-Coeur was so memorable that it was screened twice at the closing ceremony of the Olympic Games, a rare recognition that underlines its importance in the history of this edition of the Games.

The Basilique du Sacré-Cœur is delighted to have played host to such a memorable event, welcoming sporting delegations from the four corners of the globe. This event was an opportunity to bring together the world of sport and the spirit of a universal welcome, true to the values of openness and fraternity that animate this sacred place.

Olympic cycling race 2024 – © Catherine Auzière (Basilique du Sacré-Coeur de Montmartre)

The French press naturally covered the events of this exceptional weekend:

The newspaper l’Équipe devoted its front page to a wink at our site. Many thanks to them!

The foreign press was not to be outdone:

Police officers, gendarmes, firefighters and other members of the forces of law and order, who had come from all regions of France and abroad to ensure the security of the Games, also had the opportunity, during their moments of rest, to discover the wonders of the Basilica. The crypt and the dome, offering a panoramic view over Paris, were major points of interest, allowing these everyday heroes to immerse themselves in the spirituality and beauty of the place.

All in all, the Basilique du Sacré-Cœur rose to the occasion of this global event, offering the world a dazzling image of Paris’s most precious assets. This eternal symbol of the French capital once again demonstrated its rallying power and international influence.